Google’s at it again. They’ve added invisible mode to the Google Chat interface of Gmail, so when you want to go stealth you can. I’ve tested it a little bit not sure if you come online if it keeps you invisible for the entire process or not. According to the announcement blog entry this feature will be added to Google Talk, which would be nice to see a new version. So far we have multi-person conversations that Talk client users are missing out on as well as the AIM integration that Chat users have in Gmail. Perhaps this update would include the much anticipated SIP update, or perhaps more operating systems supported?

They’ve also added a fun new feature, the Google Talk Chatback Chat Badge. Simply by logging into your Google Account you can create your chat badge and put it on your site so that visitors can chat with you. They also made it easily documented how to use your Google Apps account for chatback, just go to where DOMAIN is the name of your domain. Then copy and paste the resulting code and you’re off to the chatting races. The only problem I can see with this service is that it doesn’t actually talk to you from within Google Talk, it passes you a link to click on which pops up in a new browser window using the talk gadget. Still, it’s pretty cool.

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